Boven Suriname is the area situated below the Brokopondo lake. This area is known for the many Marron villages. Maroons are the descendants from the runaway slaves and are attributed to many tribes, such as the Saramacans, Paramacans, Aucans, Kwintis. All tribes have their own unique language. The Saramacans live in the Boven Suriname area, along the Suriname River, where the ancient African culture is very visibile and old traditions are highly valued. Next to Maroon villages, a lot of resorts and lodges are situated along the river. Therefore this area offers a lot of possibilities. A variety of tour destinations in this area are possible. One village or resort can be chosen, or several villages, resorts can be combined.
We deliver tailor made tours depending on your interests. Some of the villages and resorts that are possible, in order of distance (nearby the offspring of the river is first):
The tours towards this area are known for the water rapids, waterfalls, incredible nature, but most of all the experience of the traditional Maroon culture. Tours towards this are take a minimum of 2 days. Day 1: you will be picked up by the tour guide. Together you ride to Atjoni, on a concrete road, for about 3 hours. Along the road we travel by many districts and passing by indigenous and transmigration villages. Transmigration villages were established for the marrons when the Lake was developed. After the road trip we arrive in Atjoni, the place where the road ends and we travel further southwards by boat (canoe). Depending on the chosen destination and the water level (seasonal), the boattrip can take 30 minutes up to 5 hours. This trip itself is a highly recommended experience where we pass by many Marron villages. As the river is the central place for the daily activities of the Marrons, you will see woman doing laundry, washing dishes in the river, seeing children play, wathcing fishermen and making stopovers when the boatmen need to deliver a message. Once arrived on destination we get the chance to experience the culture of the local village and get to know all of their daily activities. Washing in the river, working on their agriculture plot etc. Depending on the location there is the possibility to visit the Marron museum, to visit the famous Tapawatra falls and make a jungle hike towards the top of the Ananasberg.
There is the possibilities to travel by air (and short boat ride) towards location
This tour can be easily combined with: